Since 2006, we have been working to advance the education of girls in Northern Malawi, by building and running a girls’ secondary boarding school in Engcongolweni.


Our Mission

The school makes a real, tangible difference to the remote community by providing employment, amenities and improving the infrastructure.

This project will help to benefit the whole community, by becoming a focus for other projects and developments in the area. We are looking at ways to improve health services, adult literacy, women’s safety and to provide better access to clean water and electricity for the local community. We are involving the husbands, brothers and sons of these women of Engcongolweni to build and support this project.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

— Nelson Mandela


Receiving a quality education is a girl’s human right and a global developmental goal. Female education is beneficial, not only for individual young women, but also for their families, children and the entire nation in which they live. Better educated women have better knowledge about health and nutrition, marry at a later age, have fewer children, have healthier children, and are more likely to participate in the formal labour market and earn higher incomes.

When we invest in girls’ secondary education:

·      The lifetime earnings of women dramatically increase

·      National growth rates rise

·      Child marriage rates decline

·      Child mortality rates fall

·      Maternal mortality rates fall

·      Child stunting drops

Girls face barriers to education including poverty, cultural norms and practices, poor infrastructure, violence and fragility. The Chesney Trust provides funds and support to overcome these barriers so that girls can receive the quality education they deserve.

What We've Achieved

  • The school has been up and running since 2012 with a current school roll of 194

  • Provided access to clean water to the local community as well as the school

  • Constructed a bridge so that flooding didn't prevent children from attending school & farmers can safely take their produce to market.

  • Completed and equipped the Science Block, with chemistry, physics and biology laboratories

  • Constructed 2 hostels

  • 9 pupils with university places in 2022

  • Completed the kitchen and dining hall.

  • Built a maize mill

  • Won first prize in the 2016 choir competition for schools in the northern region

  • Built and equipped a library and computer room

  • 100% pass rate in the Junior Certificate Examinations and over 82% pass rate in the Malawi School Certificate Examination every year

  • Installed solar power and lighting for school buildings and teachers’ houses.